


  1. 展覽:
    1. ITC Graduation Exhibition 2020
      主辦機構: ITC, PolyU
      日期及時間: 07 Sept 2020 – 20 Oct 2020 (9:00am-12.30pm, 1:30pm-5:45pm)
      地點: The Fashion Gallery (Room MN109), PolyU
      簡介: The “ITC Graduation Exhibition 2020” will be held inside the PolyU campus, in which 25 graduates’ collections will be exhibited.
      連結: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/itc/en/news/happenings-fashion-gallery/?itceventid=525
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/251148211696245/posts/2083594228451625/?extid=wK4B9bqBev2Boo5G&d=n
      查詢: Email: fgallery@polyu.edu.hk / Tel.- 27666511 (The Fashion Gallery)
    2. Fashion Archive Exhibition #6: Fashi6n+
      日期: 14 Sept 2020 – 08 Jan 2021
      地點: HKDI Fashion Archive
      簡介: HKDI Fashion & Image Design Graduation Exhibition + Selective Works from Nottingham Trent University, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1899957593589226/posts/2609951145923197/?extid=Zddyfo4EJUgTLQmZ&d=n
      查詢: Tel.- 3928 2933/ 3928 2962 Ling Chan (Fashion Archive, HKDI)
    3. 2020 Intimate and Activewear Exhibition: Designers in progress (Tentative)
      主辦機構: ITC, PolyU
      日期及時間: 23 – 27 Nov 2020 (9:00am-12:30pm, 1:30pm-5:45pm)
      地點: The Fashion Gallery (Room MN109), PolyU
      查詢: Email: fgallery@polyu.edu.hk / Tel.- 27666511 (The Fashion Gallery)
  2. 虛擬/網上展覽:
    1. Fashion Archive Exhibition #4: White Project
      地點: Pinterest / HKDI Fashion Archive
      簡介: HKDI Fashion Students Works Exhibition
      連結: https://pin.it/6f0akbt
      查詢: Email – hkdi-fa@vtc.edu.hk / Tel.- 3928 2933/ 3928 2962 Ling Chan (Fashion Archive, HKDI)
    2. Fashion Archive Exhibition #5: IN THE MAKING
      地點: Pinterest
      簡介: Graduation Works of BA (Hons) in Fashion Promotion and Imaging, University of Creative Arts
      連結: https://pin.it/1vzKwxJ
      查詢: Email – hkdi-fa@vtc.edu.hk / Tel.- 3928 2933/ 3928 2962 Ling Chan (Fashion Archive, HKDI)
    3. Emerging Design Talents 2020
      地點: HKDI Website
      簡介: HKDI Graduation Show
      連結: https://edt2020.hkdi.edu.hk/en/
      查詢: Email – hkdi@vtc.edu.hk
  3. 其他:
    1. Fashion Summit 2020-2021
      主辦機構: Clothing Industry Training Authority
      日期: 25 Sep 2020, 29 Oct 2020, 27 Nov 2020, Sep 2021 (瀏覽Fashion Summit網站以了解更詳盡活動資訊)
      地點: CITA, WWF, The Mills, HKCEC
      簡介: The “ITC Graduation Exhibition 2020” will be held inside the PolyU campus, in which 25 graduates’ collections will be exhibited.
      連結: http://www.fashionsummit.hk/
      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fashionsummithk
      查詢: Email – info@fashionsummit.hk / Tel.- 22636336